"Health Care" is the third episode of the first season of the American comedy television series ''The Office'', and the show's third episode overall. Written by Paul Lieberstein, who also acts in the show as Toby Flenderson, and directed by Ken Whittingham, the episode first aired in the United States on April 5, 2005 on NBC. In this episode, Michael (Steve Carell) is tasked with choosing a new and inexpensive health care plan. He immediately hands it off to enthusiastic volunteer Dwight (Rainn Wilson). Dwight ruthlessly cuts nearly all benefits in the new plan, angering the rest of the office staff. Meanwhile, Pam (Jenna Fischer) and Jim (John Krasinski) make up fake diseases, much to Dwight's chagrin. In an attempt to appease them, Michael promises the entire office a surprise and then spends the rest of the day scrambling to come through with his promise. The employees wait for Michael's surprise, which he awkwardly never delivers. Jenna Fischer later called "Health Care" her favorite season one episode. During one particular scene, Rainn Wilson kept improvising new fake diseases. The laughter that resulted in his ad-libs was not scripted, as they were in fact the cast's genuine reaction to Wilson's fake diseases. The episode received a 2.9/7 in the Nielsen ratings among people aged 18–49 garnered 5.8 million viewers overall. In addition, the episode retained 100% of its lead-in 18-49 audience and ranked, along with the other first-season episodes of ''The Office'', as NBC's highest-rated Tuesday night program since February 1, 2005. The episode received positive reviews. ==Plot== Corporate Manager Jan Levenson-Gould (Melora Hardin) gives Michael Scott (Steve Carell) the task of picking a new and inexpensive health care plan. Unwilling to upset his employees, Michael gives the job to Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson), who cuts practically all benefits. When cornered by the employees, Michael tells Dwight to alter his plan. He also promises a surprise at the end of the day. Michael leaves the office to try to find a surprise, eventually trying to persuade a travel guide (Charlie Hartsock) for a free trip to Atlantic City, New Jersey. Dwight hands out anonymous illness forms as Michael tries and fails to find a suitable surprise for his employees. When Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) and Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer) write false and imaginary diseases on their forms, Dwight demands to interview every employee to find out who is responsible. When Jim locks Dwight in the meeting room, Dwight calls Jan for permission to fire him. Jan finds out that Michael passed along his health care plan duties, and demands to speak to Michael as soon as possible. When Michael's attempt at a surprise of ice cream sandwiches falls flat, he then promises that the surprise is still coming. Dwight reads the diseases aloud to find out which are real, with embarrassing results. He finally picks a plan that eliminates benefits to the point where Oscar Martinez (Oscar Nunez) likens it to a pay decrease. The employees wait for Michael's surprise, which he awkwardly never delivers, and they all leave in an angry silence. Dwight then tells Michael to call Jan regarding the Health Care plan. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Health Care (The Office)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク